Founding Fathers Forum: some thoughts to add from a limey
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Founding Fathers Forum: some thoughts to add from a limey

Posted by: david ( on 20 Jan 2003 at 2:10:39 PM
In-Reply-To: Its not just taxation Finland posted by ACE on 9:23:15 PM 19 Jan 2003

I have read dana and ACE's reply most of which i agree with, the point of slavery however i have to take contention with.
The support Britain gave to the south was purley econmicaly motivated, much of the cotton imported to the uk came from the south and the British wished to see this market protected. It was only when the north begun to use the point of slavery in a rather cynical ploy to try and claim moral justifictaion for the conflict that british support for the south declined.
As a Brit it is intereting to note the diffenrt views on American history as is the case with nearly all history.
Some points I would like to make;

I seem to get the impression from some American sites that i have visted that britain still holds some kind of grudge regarding the loss of america. On the whole the majority of people saw american independence as a good thing, at worst its loss was seen little more than a insignificant loss (hindsights a great thing)the colonialts were widely supported both by the people and members of govenment. I am sure you know why Pittsburgh is so called.
It did not feel correct to be waring against people that were seen as their own, it is frequently regarded as a civil war in british history books.
Unsuprisingly many american sites i have visited give not enough vakue to the effect that the support France, Spain and the Dutch had on the British desire to continue war. It was not feasible fighting a war 3000 miles away when there are enemies looming on your doorstep.
I welcome any (sensible) comments, that means not you Brad, such remarks are more an insult to the intelligent US community than to anyone else.


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