Founding Fathers Forum: more thoughts on the club
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Founding Fathers Forum: more thoughts on the club

Posted by: diana ( on 31 Dec 2002 at 2:02:28 PM
In-Reply-To: starting a history book club posted by Diana on 1:00:01 PM 11 Dec 2002

:i actually thought we could meet the same way actual book clubs do - for example, i am currently in a book club that meets in a cafe in soho each month - with our "history club" we would be doing the same thing except reading historically themed books (for example i just received the John Adams biography for xmas) and then we could discuss the historical figure, how accurate the book was, things we learned, things we disagreed with, etc. and the books don't necessarily have to be about a figure in history - we could read about events, wars, philosophical movements, etc. - we don't even have to stick to strictly American history (i actually focused on European in college) - the group can always discuss and decide each month what they would like to do - and now i am really going to sound like a geek, but whatever, we could even watch movies, etc. - there i have embarassed myself enough - i yield the floor for anyone who would like to jest - DIANA

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